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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 18, 2005, 9:00PM
Needless to say last week Nintendo finally unveiled their controller for the Revolution. I had the same reaction as every other person I talked to, read about, or looked funny at... WTF!? This is only my initial reaction, and if this was your reaction I highly recommend doing a little research and finding out what this thing will actually do.

We had to do a comic on this momentous occasion, and this is what you get. The controller seems like it will be ideal for fps but you can't get over the fact that it's a light saber! How many Star Wars games have been begging for a controller set up like this?

All said and done I applaud Nintendo for once again taking the step forward and creating a whole new facet of gaming. I know it's the 'fan-boy' mentality, but honestly? How much farther can we go with what we have as game consoles? How much longer can we be content with D-pads and analog sticks? How high can we push the poly count on a game before they all look the same and play like crap?

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 18, 2005, 9:00PM
I like the new controller. If they include the analog unit for the left hand with the unit, then it should be compatible with just about any game. Also, with the ability to just make shells for the controller, you can have all the standard controllers and then some. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link. I really think it'll catch on more when people get a chance to use it. Then again, only time will tell.

Speaking of time. You never truly realize how much time you spend playing MMO's until you quit one and have what seems to be unlimited free time. I can't seem to focus on just one thing for the same amount of time I spent playing WoW. It's very frustrating. I'm trying to do several different things with my free time, such as play some games I missed and learn PHP. I've got a little bit done on each of those fronts, but I can't seem to stay on one or the other for very long. Then again, I was on call this last week, and that just drains your soul until the empty husk that is left can hand off the phone.