A day that will live in infamy for all turkey kind! Obviously, last Thursday was Thanksgiving. Millions of turkeys fell so that many gullets may be filled and I personally give thanks to their sacrifice. I am not by any means an animal activist, actually far from, but the idea of a turkey morning the loss of its fallen brethren just seemed to appeal to me. Damn turkey killers...
Something that we at VR Comic know quite well is that the X-Box 360 recently launched. Not a big fan of the X-Box, the 360 was not at the top of my list. I've had the chance to demo it a few times now and I must say that the games I've seen look crisp and clean and play well. The main reasoning behind my lethargic attitude is that, for the most part, the games look better but nothing has really changed, same games different box. Although, the priceless debacle of not even having enough units to cover half of the people who went out of their way to pre-order it was simply divine (as you can see from any other web-comic coverage from that day).
Also as you can see we have a banner for Child's Play, an amazing annual charity that lets us gamers give back to children in need, brought to you by the guys over at Penny-Arcade.
And a personal congrats to Tycho on his new baby boy...
Something that we at VR Comic know quite well is that the X-Box 360 recently launched. Not a big fan of the X-Box, the 360 was not at the top of my list. I've had the chance to demo it a few times now and I must say that the games I've seen look crisp and clean and play well. The main reasoning behind my lethargic attitude is that, for the most part, the games look better but nothing has really changed, same games different box. Although, the priceless debacle of not even having enough units to cover half of the people who went out of their way to pre-order it was simply divine (as you can see from any other web-comic coverage from that day).
Also as you can see we have a banner for Child's Play, an amazing annual charity that lets us gamers give back to children in need, brought to you by the guys over at Penny-Arcade.
And a personal congrats to Tycho on his new baby boy...

As Vance pointed out and you may have noticed otherwise, the X-Box 360 came out last week. I didn't get one, for many reasons. One of which, (I'll let you in on a little secret), I'm poor. Not because I don't make decent money, but because I used to make better money and I spent it like it would never stop flowing. I even spent into my future money flow and am now burdened with a fair amount of debt. A few years later and a few lessons learned, here I sit with only enough cash to upgrade my computer every couple of years and buy one new console. I made my decision pretty early. It was going to be the Revolution.
Back to the X-Box 360 though. I haven't had any hands on time with it, but I have a feeling Vance is pretty close to dead on. I also never owned an X-Box either, yet again due to monetary concerns. If the X-Box (360 or not) was a bit cheaper, I would look into getting one. But then again, I shun talking to others, so the whole X-Box Live thing doesn't do a whole lot to sell me on it. Still just so focused on high end graphics for the same old games. Halo also doesn't mean shit to me. It's a good game (even though the levels get very repetitive) and I played it on the computer, but FPS games on consoles are next to worthless to me until they come out with a mouse and keyboard for them.
You may note that we now have a link to vote for us on the Top 100 Webcomics. Feel free to do so if you like what you are reading (or for any other reason). I'm not really the type to care where we rank in the grand world of webcomics, but it does help generate traffic to the site. If enough people keep coming back to our site to the point where we can no longer afford the bandwidth costs, then it may return to a normal couch backing. If you have any opinions or comments on anything on this site, feel free to email us.
Back to the X-Box 360 though. I haven't had any hands on time with it, but I have a feeling Vance is pretty close to dead on. I also never owned an X-Box either, yet again due to monetary concerns. If the X-Box (360 or not) was a bit cheaper, I would look into getting one. But then again, I shun talking to others, so the whole X-Box Live thing doesn't do a whole lot to sell me on it. Still just so focused on high end graphics for the same old games. Halo also doesn't mean shit to me. It's a good game (even though the levels get very repetitive) and I played it on the computer, but FPS games on consoles are next to worthless to me until they come out with a mouse and keyboard for them.
You may note that we now have a link to vote for us on the Top 100 Webcomics. Feel free to do so if you like what you are reading (or for any other reason). I'm not really the type to care where we rank in the grand world of webcomics, but it does help generate traffic to the site. If enough people keep coming back to our site to the point where we can no longer afford the bandwidth costs, then it may return to a normal couch backing. If you have any opinions or comments on anything on this site, feel free to email us.