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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 30, 2006, 9:00PM
Ya, so... Wii.

I really don't care, and I don't get why it seems to be such a big deal. "OMG that name suxors..." whatever... Whether you like it or not the next-gen Nintendo console is the Wii. The "ii" is supposed to symbolize togetherness or something like that, which if you know much about Japanese culture makes a lot of sense. Here in America, it lost on some, and by some, I mean most of us.

Here's a note the became blatantly clear at our first adventures at PAX '04, dorks travel in pairs. With the exception of the groups of pairs that when there together, this is what you see at a gaming convention, two guys checking shit out. It's also apparent in gaming to make people laugh, at least that's what Reese and myself did, and many others I've talked to. So in the end, to me, the two i's symbolize that, and that's a lot funnier to me then some pee joke.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 30, 2006, 9:00PM
I kinda cheated my way through last weeks post, so I'll try to do something more for you all this week. Of course, the big news is the Wii. It's odd, no doubt about it, but I think in a year or so, no one will think twice about this name. I still look forward to owning one and seeing what is done with the unique control scheme. Until then I'll just have to dream...

On a side note, one of the anime series I enjoy quite a bit has delivered yet another devastating blow. The series is Naruto. It is just starting to air in the US, but it is on episode 180 or so in Japan. They had declared previously that they were going to pick up the main storyline in 24 episodes, which means that was how many filler episodes they were going to produce. The magic episode number in which this torture was going to end was episode 180. I finally get up to there to find out that they are going to be doing another 25 weeks of filler. I still look forward to the actual story progressing, but I'm not sure I can survive watching 25 episodes of utter crap again.