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PAX 06
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 3, 2006, 9:00PM
So, Reese did a good job recapping our adventures at PAX in last weeks post. Not too many things to beside the "I hate being the third wheel!" thing, but that's something I'm just gonna have to get used to I guess. As far as the happenings at the event, the highlights of the event were as follows.

We had a good chance to hit up some good panels. Gaming's not just a pastime for me, it has many possibilities for a career for me. So to sit in on the "Breaking into the Industry" panel was mucho insightful. As well as the panel "I'm getting older and life's butting into my gaming" where several professionals and Gamer Dad came and answered questions about how their gaming has been compromised by their life. And never least was the "PA Comic Strip Panel" this is my favorite, was last year too. This is where Gabe sits down in front of everyone and draws up the next week's comic. He was much looser this year with taking requests then he was last year, and it made it a lot more fun. So Gabe draws while Tycho answers questions, and comments... fun is had by all. We even got to see the first glimpse of the Hot Dog Fairy and Tycho turned into some crab, lizard alien thing covered in bugs... Needless to say it was fun.

And of course Guitar Hero, which Reese went into great elaboration on, so needless to say since the last time I posted about it, it's still really fun. I also got to pick up Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 from Pink Godzilla while I was there, so now I have my own Naruto fighting game that I can't understand. But, it's just as good if not better then 3, and it leaves Reese and myself many more things to unlock (we had just barely unlocked Itachi Uchiha in 3 before I got 4). I also got to try Auto Assault, and was much impressed with how it played. I was even lucky enough to snag me a free copy of the game, so when I get a smidge of free time I'm sure I'm have to fire that up and blow some shit up.

Observation fun now...

One of the more entertaining things (depicted in the last panel) was the lack of PSP's at this event. Now I know PA is DS pro and all, but its funny walking around and seeing 500 DS's and one PSP, it makes me feel better about my purchase... I was also impressed with how many women were actually at and participating in this event. The first year it was pretty much only guys, except a few girlfriends dragged along. In 05 we saw more, but the girl to guy ratio was still on the fritz. This year it had to be at least 70/30 guys to girls, and that's downright impressive to me. Gamer Girls are a rare and wonderful bread often only depicted in fairy tales and voodoo chants, it seems that the numbers are growing and that makes me the special warm and fuzzy kind of happy.

On a sad note the Omegathon finally seemed somewhat lackluster. First year they played Pong, second they did Combat on the Atari, this year they did the original Tetris. Overall it was enjoyable and Leroy won again this year. But it seemed rushed to finish. It may be because it was supposed to start at 4 and did start till about 5, but the past 2 years Gabe and Tycho had finished off by challenging each other to end the event. This year that was skipped, and quite honestly I'm sad to see that little tradition go.

So goods and bads it was an awesome trip, as I'm sure next years will be too at their new venue. Again, I am sorry for the delay in the comic, but things just got a bit too hectic for me to get such an elaborate comic done in such a short amount on time.

Also... Happy Birthday Croz!

(and Gabriel)

(and Nicholas)

(did I miss anyone?)

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 3, 2006, 9:00PM
Fairly uneventful week for me. I'm looking at getting back into WoW again now that the expansion draws near. I didn't think I would go back to this game due to it's lack of non-raid content at level 60, but the addition of 10 levels and a focus on 10 man dungeons makes it harder to stay away. They have also posted the new talent trees for the expansion for most of the classes. This has already provided me with tons of information on how the classes may play out in their new found levels, and it has given me time to prepare. I'm truly excited with some of the revamps done to the Warlock's affliction tree. It seems to be far more viable now and has always been my favorite...

That's it for me this week, but if you are like my friend Anthony and want to see the newest Burning Crusade information for Druids, Priests and Hunters, then I'm truly sorry for giving that link above as they aren't currently available. You can all vent at Blizzard until this true unjustice has been righted.