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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 5, 2006, 9:00PM
I had so many ideas for this weeks comic, most of which having to do with the Super Bowl, this is the idea that panned out. Not too much to get here, I just feel that contact sports should involve swords, axes, shields, and my all time favorite... flails. It would make the game so much more interesting, and make those guys earn the millions of dollars they make a game...

Honestly? I didn't even watch the game. There was a time in my life I cared about sports, where I played sports. I was on my high school football team (if you could call it that) and I did track and field... mmm shot and disk. When my brother still lived here I'd sit and watch ESPN with him. I'm not apposed to sports, I just don't care about them anymore, especially when neither of the teams I have any affiliation towards. So until the Cardinals get to the super bowl (... you can stop laughing now) or I move to a place with a halfway decent team, I don't think I'll be catching the next super bowl either.

Ironically I spent the night watching Shaolin Soccer; I always forget how good that movie actually is.

Sides that? Playing WoW a lot, and procrastinating with school to a dire effect, stupid school always getting in the way of my WoW playing... Working with my priest as often as I can, but I don't want to out level Reese's warlock, they make a dastardly pair. So I find myself hopping all over my little alts (by little I mean 40ish), and then an occasional instance run with one of my 60's and working on getting my paladin set up to do his epic mount quest.

Had a good time PvPing yesterday though, owned thousand needles with a Reese and Wyatt, we were only low 30's so by no means was it unfair. Earlier in the day Reese's and myself even got to take out a duo of 60 druids with mine and Reese's mains. Talk about an annoying pair to fight, but we did take them both down... twice, but then they got a whole group on me so I hearthed away (but that opens a hole other bag of crap, so I wont touch that one for now).

All and all... I should be doing homework right now, but I think a nap is in order.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 5, 2006, 9:00PM
I swear. I take one day off and don't post and everyone is bothering me about it. Well, let's see what magical things have taken place since last week... Oh yea, nothing. I'm still playing WoW and loving my Warlock. I got 47 on Sunday and I'm almost caught up to my friends. I had a blast killing horde in Shimmering Flats with my Warrior. That was pretty much my entire week.

I also went and saw a doctor in regards to my annual cough. Turns out I may have a reactive airway. I guess you could also call it seasonal asthma. The good news is I was actually given a bunch of medication to treat it, unlike previous doctors who basically gave me cough syrup. The bad news is that it doesn't seem to be working. That means I'll get to go back for a chest x-ray and blood work.

It looks like we decided to post a Superbowl comic, which is funny because I only found out about last weekend being the Superbowl because my DM for D&D was going to watch it and it interfered with my character creation. God I'm a geek. Back to the comic. I've always thought that some sort of weaponry was needed for sports, especially considering the pay athletes get. I never really imagined it in football so much. I always envisioned swords and sheilds being used on a basketball court. That way they could only wield one item (weapon, sheild, etc...) and still have to use the other hand for the basketball. I swear it would be entertaining. Maybe Vance can whip up a little picture of that sometime...