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Competitive Nature
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 5, 2006, 9:00PM
I honestly don't think that Reese willfully goes out of his way just to piss me off I think it's just a byproduct of his personality. Ever since I've known him Reese has had the innate ability to be just a little better at any videogame we play, just enough for me to almost win but never do. This is why we never play Soul Calibur 2 anymore. We get a few rounds in, I get all pissed off, and we have to switch games. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, and love playing it, but it just pisses me off. I'm not a poor sport, and I actually take loosing quite well, it just gets annoying as you might as well figure.

I was wandering around Fry's Electronics the other day and I came across something that you all have, or should have, heard about. I picked up a little plastic guitar and began to play Guitar Hero. After getting over the embarrassment factor of playing a plastic guitar in the middle of a busy store, I couldn't believe how fun it was. I had the crowd booing within the first three seconds, but I didn't care, it was awesome!

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 5, 2006, 9:00PM
I think it is funny when Vance gets all pissed off when we are playing games. Not because I delight in his misery (contrary to popular belief), but because he really does get to the point where he storms off like that. It's just to funny. I really have to try hard not to laugh, which would get me a good punch in the face.

Vance and I have an interesting friendship, we both get on each others nerves, right up to the point where violence is the only solution, then we back off just enough. It's the only reason that we can even be in the same room as each other, let alone be friends.

Well, we got the comic up on time this week, so I think I'm going to go to bed now in preparation for this next week. I'm on call again, so I might not make it to next Monday without being forced to inflict great amounts of pain and agony on another human being. We'll see...