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Child at Heart
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 2, 2012, 4:43PM
I have always felt there was a difference between being immature and being child like. Immaturity is acting childish within the world. Child like is seeing the world in wonderment.

I've worked very hard at trying to keep my wonderment open. I want to understand everything and it I don't understand it, I want to know more... Even to the point of asking obvious questions to get odd looks.

Here's an interesting anecdote. In contrast, I've heard my oldest brother, Paul, speak of a time when he was a young man, looking at his actions realizing he should relish these things for he will not always have that vantage point. About the same age I had the same realization, but instead of realizing one day I will no longer be able to see things in the same way I decided I would work to preserve said Vantage point. He is the oldest child, I am the youngest. Just food for thought.

I'm about to turn 30. In my mind this is a barrier I set many years ago. I am now married, working, loving my life, but still... I feel like the spark that has fueled my desires has somehow changed.

We will see how this plays out in the end.