I've been waiting a year to make this comic. Since our first Thanksgiving comic I have had this idea. I saw it in my head and there it sat for a year, festering, till the time was right. I said it before and I'll say it again, I like birds, and it seems I do some of my most interesting work when they are present, that's why the duck is a staple character (I'll be it out gallivanting with Super Hoot at the moment).
It's interesting trying to finish up something like our apartment search amidst the great holiday comic rush. Only doing one comic a week slows the pace on actually getting through what I've done and on to what I want to do. For the first time ever I have planned out what comics I'm going to do when for the next few months (with a few TBA's thrown in there too) and it's all in anticipation for upcoming changes. So stay tuned for the official announcement.
It's amazing how fast time seems to move when you're looking at a calendar.
On an anime note. I finally saw the Full Metal Alchemist Movie, not gonna go into it too much, but it pretty much finishes off the story from where the series left off. My opinion, not as good as I wanted it to be, but better then I expected it to me (note: I expected it to be great, and I wanted it to be everything anything couldn't be). But if you're a fan of the series, you've probably already seen it, so I'll be quiet now.
It's interesting trying to finish up something like our apartment search amidst the great holiday comic rush. Only doing one comic a week slows the pace on actually getting through what I've done and on to what I want to do. For the first time ever I have planned out what comics I'm going to do when for the next few months (with a few TBA's thrown in there too) and it's all in anticipation for upcoming changes. So stay tuned for the official announcement.
It's amazing how fast time seems to move when you're looking at a calendar.
On an anime note. I finally saw the Full Metal Alchemist Movie, not gonna go into it too much, but it pretty much finishes off the story from where the series left off. My opinion, not as good as I wanted it to be, but better then I expected it to me (note: I expected it to be great, and I wanted it to be everything anything couldn't be). But if you're a fan of the series, you've probably already seen it, so I'll be quiet now.

I don't have a whole lot to say on the Thanksgiving thing other than the fact that it is one of the few holidays that I truly enjoy. I get to eat as much as I want and no one looks at me funny. I also get to spend a nice day with my family and nothing else gets in the way.
I wanted to mention this last week, but I forgot to. I waited outside (with Vance) of Best Buy to purchase my Wii, and I don't have an issue with that. What is odd about this is the fact that I would normally never shop at Best Buy. I do almost all of my electronics shopping at Fry's Electronics. There are two reasons for this, I used to work there and they have a huge selection. The reason they did not get my business for the Wii however, was because they were selling it as a bundle only. This bundle added five games (none of which were Zelda) to the purchase and brought the price to $480. That is a lot of money for the Wii with no extra controllers and only games I didn't want. If it were an optional bundle or at least one that made sense (Zelda and maybe an extra controller) I would have been fine with it. I would think that gamers would speak with their wallet and not shop there, but the popularity of the system guaranteed that it would sell out no matter what the bundle was. Fry's wasn't the only place that did this, and it saddens me that we let them do it to us. Best Buy went up a few ranks in my book because they didn't do a bundle, and unlike most places that only got twenty or so consoles, they had eighty-four and were happy to sell them to us with whatever accessories we wanted. I think that was long enough, don't you?
I wanted to mention this last week, but I forgot to. I waited outside (with Vance) of Best Buy to purchase my Wii, and I don't have an issue with that. What is odd about this is the fact that I would normally never shop at Best Buy. I do almost all of my electronics shopping at Fry's Electronics. There are two reasons for this, I used to work there and they have a huge selection. The reason they did not get my business for the Wii however, was because they were selling it as a bundle only. This bundle added five games (none of which were Zelda) to the purchase and brought the price to $480. That is a lot of money for the Wii with no extra controllers and only games I didn't want. If it were an optional bundle or at least one that made sense (Zelda and maybe an extra controller) I would have been fine with it. I would think that gamers would speak with their wallet and not shop there, but the popularity of the system guaranteed that it would sell out no matter what the bundle was. Fry's wasn't the only place that did this, and it saddens me that we let them do it to us. Best Buy went up a few ranks in my book because they didn't do a bundle, and unlike most places that only got twenty or so consoles, they had eighty-four and were happy to sell them to us with whatever accessories we wanted. I think that was long enough, don't you?

I just added a comments link below our latest comic. Feel free to give it a click and leave some comments on the comic. We plan on adding this to every page in the future, so keep an eye out for it.