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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 2, 2005, 9:00PM
I guess this week's comic would even be funny if it wasn't absolutely true. I have made a life out of procrastination. I never seem to care about something until it's already a week over due. When it does come down to doing something I find myself in this routine; I set everything out, know where everything is I need to complete what ever task is at hand, and then forget about it entirely until it's down to the last second. That is what it means to 'Prepare to Procrastinate.'

Mind me here; I might get a little long...

So this week I've been on my break of school. Having swain from WoW this gave me ample time to do nothing. I spent the first half of my break watching all of Naruto. I now understand why Reese was so intent on me watching this. Not only is it a superb anime, but it's always nice to be able to talk about it with someone. This is actually the first anime I've watched where I've caught up with what is being released in Japan, so I have to wait a week to watch the next episode, thank god for fan subs (I love you guys). This also puts the game Reese imported in a new context, not only is a cool fighting game, but now I understand it. All and all I watched 50+ hours of anime in 3 days... ya... I got nothing better to do.

School starts up for the fall quarter this week. I'm stoked for all of my classes this round. Not only have I got my next installment of 2D animation, but I'm in the acting and movement class, and 3D modeling. I'm thoroughly stoked for this quarter, even though it will be horrendously busy and meticulously mind boggling.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - October 2, 2005, 9:00PM
It is my personal belief that procrastination is an art. If you can take something right to the deadline without doing any work in a timely manner and still deliver quality, then you have truly accomplished something. I don't procrastinate like I used to, for example; I'm doing this at midnight on Sunday night instead of 6am on Monday. I've truly come a long way...